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UODA Prof.Dr. Rahmatullah named among world's top 2% scientists

Prof.Dr.Mohammed Rahmatullah, who has been working since 2002 at the University of Development Alternative (UODA) as Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, has been selected among the top two percent (2%) of the most cited scientists in the world in a prestigious journal article published by Stanford University-based researchers in the USA.

Stanford University Professor John Ioannidis-a specialist in metascience, or the study of science using scientific methods and US-based Kevin W Boyack and the Netherlands -based Jeroen Baas released the exhaustive list of 1,59,683 scientists of the world in various disciplines.

Professor Rahmatullah's work during the period of 2009-2019 was in the field of 'Natural Products and Drug Discovery' and consisted of pharmacological studies on medicinal plants obtained in ethnomedicinal surveys from folk and tribal medicinal practitioners.

Professor Rahmatullah's current citations, as mentioned in Google Scholar exceed 13,000. He has currently 273 papers abstracted in SCOPUS (h-index 38), over 75 papers abstracted in PubMed, and over 700 manuscripts abstracted in Google Scholar with a h-index of 59 and i10 index of 230.

He has one international patent from Soth Korea and another pending patent application in USA. Professor Rahmatullah has also over 15 book chapters and one book to his credit.

Professor Rahmatullah's current research is on in silico studies on binding of 3C-like protease of COVID-19 with various phytochemicals. He has already published more than 6 papers on COVID-19 and has currently teamed up with a group of international scientists from USA, UK, Malaysia, Thailand and India to perform combined research and 'Plant metabolites as Antivirals.'

Professor Rahmatullah has previously received the Ayuns Gold Medal, GNOBB Gold Medal and the Indian Society of Ethnopharmacology Scientific Achievement Award. He is also currently the President of the Asian Society of Pharmacognosy.Jago News Desk Published: 16 November 2020

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